Exhibition – Renewal and Reflections
Karn Harding and Brian Weatherup
Karn Harding and Brian Weatherup
Karn Harding and Brian Weatherup
Come and join Medical Herbalist Clare Shippey for a six part course exploring herbal medicine from soil to remedy.
The course costs £150 / £120 concession, places are limited to 8 people
A richly illustrated talk with a slide presentation showing Raphael’s Madonnas and other paintings related to the eternal feminine. Rory has an interest in the life and work of the […]
An experiential journey using meditation and story to explore the connection between body, wild and land. This will include some stories of meetings with wild animals, a discussion of the […]
Megalithic depictions of life and cosmology Who were the Celts? How come their wisdom so closely reflected what we are working on now? What can their rock carvings tell us […]